Flares are among the nighttime visual distress signal safety requirements for some vessels using the waterways. They are part of life for sailors and are used only in emergency response cases. Knowing how to launch flares and handle them correctly before sailing is highly important to keep you safe.
We will list the basic steps for launching flares, but before doing that, it’s important to keep in mind that you must obtain permission from the local authorities based on your living area’s rules and regulations. Once that is granted, you can train with your crew before casting off cruising so the crew will be aware of the necessary steps to take when the captain becomes hindered.
Additionally, when you find yourself in an unforeseen situation, always remain on the boat if it’s safe for you to do so. It’s easier for rescuers to see the boat than when you swim, and it’s also easier to operate a flare when you are on a stable surface than when trading in the water. Also, you should consider conserving your aerial signal until you are sure that the rescues have spotted you so as not to waste the one-time signals.
One-time signals can only be used once, they are unlike flare guns or electronic flares. Once you sight help, the United States Coast Guard recommends you fire two aerial flares one after the other at the same time so the rescuers can confirm your location and the signal direction. If you are using a parachute flare, firing once will suffice because it has enough burn time to help rescuers see your position.
Once the flare is witnessed, you must ensure that the rescuers can point to your exact location using handheld flares. Typically, the surface sighting range on the water is around 3-5 miles, depending on the elevation of the boat. If your rescuer is five miles away and runs at 20 miles per hour, it will take them around 15 minutes to arrive at your location. In this case, you should have at least 12 minutes of burn time signal for a solid homing signal. Flares last around three minutes, so it’s better for you to have at least six since the speed of each boat is different.
Follow the Instructions
Before firing or launching a flare, it’s essential to read the instructions and analyze the illustrations. Ensure you under how everything works. Don’t assume that you only need to take off a cap and ignite it. In some flares, you only need to remove one cap while others require you to remove a second cap.
Learn how to use the flare launcher, click here to learn more about how flares work. how to upload it, and everything else before using it in real emergencies. Some flare launchers, like gun shells, load from the barrel inside, while others are from the outside. Make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions before setting sail so you will be well-versed in flare operations before facing an emergency.
Wear Eye Protection
Protecting your eyes at all costs is highly crucial. Hot flare slag can blow back toward you if the direction of the wind changes. Handheld flare launchers can drip-melt elements as they burn. It’s important always to wear eyewear or sunglasses for protection. Heat-resistant goggles are even more efficient in offering protection.
Face Downwind
Move to the edge of your boat, stand with your back facing the wind, get ready as the vessel pitches and rolls, and always double-check that you are facing downwind.
Aim with Caution
Have a pair of heat-resistant gloves close to you because flares can get warm. Use your non-dominant hand to hold a handheld or parachute flare and your dominant hand to hold the gun. Straight your arm out at about 45-60° angle with the flares, position your wrist to slant it away from you. Flares usually drip slag, and you should prevent the hot slag from leaking on your forearm, wrist, or hands but leak in the water.
Look Away Before You Fire
Take your eyes away so you will be looking at one side of the boat flare launcher when you ignite it. This will further protect your eyes. Drop the extended flare body or shell into water or a bucket of water.
You can’t fire flares without permission from the United States Coast Guard and local authorities. That’s why holding mock drills is essential to practice the basic steps of using a boat flare launcher. If you are the head sailor, you can train your crew on how to fire flares before casting off so your crew will know the best move to make in case you become incapacitated. Overall, the five rules of using a boat flare launcher include following instructions, wearing eye protection, facing downwind, aiming with caution, and looking away before firing.